On March 5, as part of the 78th annual conference of Univeristy of Latvia, Department of Anthropology organises a section on heroism "The politics, poetics and quotidian practices of heroism". Marking the conclusion of the Year of Heroism in Latvia, this section of the annual University of Latvia conference aims to investigate the ways in which heroism – taken broadly – is constructed, presented and enacted in everyday life.

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The event will take place in Kalpaka bulvāris 4, Riga. Please see below for more details.

University of Latvia 77th annual conference

Faculty of Humanities Department of Anthropology   

The politics, poetics and quotidian practices of heroism   Chair: Dr Aivita Putniņa

10:00 – 10:20

No perpetrators and no heroes: the perception of non-violence through the lens of a survey in Latvia.

Ne varoņi, ne varmākas: nevardarbības ikdienas pieredze Latvijas sabiedrības aptaujas skatījumā.

Aivita Putniņa


10:20 – 10.40

The politics of courage and care in projects of anti-violence.

Drosmes un rūpju politika pretvardarbības projektos.

Kārlis Lakševics


10:40 – 11:00

Spatial and social imaginary of violence and heroism within it

Vardarbības telpiskā un sociālā iztēlošanās, un varonības vieta tajā

Kristians Zalāns

11:00-11:20 Break

11:20 – 11:40

Heroism and relationships in violence prevention for young people.

Varonība un attiecības vardarbības novēršanā jauniešiem.

Ilze Mileiko

Māra Neikena


11:40 – 12:00

Moral courage and prevention of domestic abuse: ethnographic insights from Latvia.

Morālā drosme un vardarbības ģimenē novēršana: etnogrāfiskie ieskati Latvijā.

Zane Linde-Ozola


12:00 – 12:20

We can be heroes? Academic life and non-aerial travel.

Vai mēs varam būt varoņi? Akadēmiskā dzīve un ceļošana, izvairoties no gaisa satiksmes.

Gareth Hamilton

Diskusija 12:20 – 13:00
